Saturday, August 28, 2010

Jack's New Trick

Jack has a new trick: He's been standing while supported, for about a minute at a time, for the past week. He loves it!
Hanging out in his swing on the deck. We had an evening last week in the mid-70's, so we ate dinner outside.
Suffering through tummy time.
Hanging out in the recliner like a big kid. =)

Jack has a couple of other new tricks - he splashes in the bathtub (I taught him to splash with his hands, and he figured out to use his feet too) since about 8/13. He also shrieks now (for about the past week). It's very sudden, and usually when he's right near your ear.

He enjoys "flying" - being held up in the air. And he clasps his hands together (starting the day after the doctor asked of course!). Recently he's showing more interest in his toys too - specifically his dinosaur and elephant that are hanging on his playmat. We've had to take dinosaur with us in the carseat on the past 2 outings.

1 comment:

Matt and Cindy Fleharty said...

He has changed so much! Our boys get cuter everyday, if I do say so myself!! Drew has the exact same dinosaur and loves it too!