Saturday, February 26, 2011
Jack's First Year
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Jack is going to have a storebought cake
Why did the cake stick to the pans, even though I greased and floured them first?
Why do the high-altitude directions have you add 1/2 cup of flour, if the cake is then going to taste too flour-y?
Why did the powdered sugar that I had stored in a canister have all the moisture sucked out of it, and become a rock sugar cylinder?
Why did the frosting not seem to get any darker from the 6th to the 16th drop of blue food coloring?
Should my baby even have food coloring?
And why is it sooo hard to frost a cake, when the frosting seems to simply pull off cake molecules, rather than sticking to the cake as a whole?
These are the questions I'm pondering as I go google our local grocery store's bakery hours to see how early I can call and order a cake tomorrow morning.
Why do the high-altitude directions have you add 1/2 cup of flour, if the cake is then going to taste too flour-y?
Why did the powdered sugar that I had stored in a canister have all the moisture sucked out of it, and become a rock sugar cylinder?
Why did the frosting not seem to get any darker from the 6th to the 16th drop of blue food coloring?
Should my baby even have food coloring?
And why is it sooo hard to frost a cake, when the frosting seems to simply pull off cake molecules, rather than sticking to the cake as a whole?
Pre-birthday update
Just a quick update for the day before our kiddo turns 1! (Insert cliche here about how I can't believe how quickly the last year has gone.)
Last Tuesday we drove downtown to P/SL to visit one of Jack's roomies from the NICU. The snow kept his other roomie home that day, but we got to see Aidan, as well as one of Jack's former nurses, Julie. We found out the date for the former NICU babies reunion - every other year they rent out a pavilion at the zoo so that everyone can get together and catch up. We've marked our calendar!
Wednesday, Jack had an eye recheck appt. They said he's a little far-sighted, which is normal for this age, and that everything still looks great. We're to watch for any signs of eye-crossing, but otherwise they don't want him back for 2 years.
He's added peaches, butternut squash, turkey, and blueberries to his repetoire. The turkey was in jarred form, mixed with sweet potato and apple, so he liked that. The other 3 we made and he liked them as is. We need to try some more green veggies - so far he only eats green beans and peas. He has started on the chunkier stage 3 foods and is gumming them fine.
He's grown some more hair, but just in the center. He likes the puffs finger-food, although he won't actually feed himself - we have to put one in his mouth and then he crunches it with his front teeth. He loves the tv, and spins his head around to look at it when he hears the remote turn it on. He will take a few "steps" if you hold him upright and move him forward.
The 3 molars that were giving him trouble around New Year's still haven't broken though - they seem to bother him off and on. He's not exactly crawling, but he scoots backward and then pivots around to get to what he wants. What he wants is often the dvd and vcr players - one time he opened the dvd player. He also turned the audio system to AM radio somehow. He's pretty quick with his scooting.
He loves banging on the keyboard - after having to restart my laptop several times post-Jack, we pulled out an old keyboard that's not attached to anything for him to play with. He likes to drop/throw things and have us pick them up for him. He's quickly outgrowing his baby bathtub, but he still seems too little to me for the normal tub. He enjoys napping on our bed, with a down pillow and a blanket.
Last Tuesday we drove downtown to P/SL to visit one of Jack's roomies from the NICU. The snow kept his other roomie home that day, but we got to see Aidan, as well as one of Jack's former nurses, Julie. We found out the date for the former NICU babies reunion - every other year they rent out a pavilion at the zoo so that everyone can get together and catch up. We've marked our calendar!
(And it was in the 60s today when the snow pics were taken - in case anyone was wondering where is jacket is.)
Friday, February 04, 2011
Naptime issues
Wednesday, February 02, 2011
That's how he rolls
Jack rolls over now. As in - that is All. He. Does. You can put him down on his back, turn around for 5 seconds, and he's on his stomach. He's not so good at rolling from stomach to back though - which have given us a few issues with naptimes when he gets "stuck" on his stomach. He seems really close to crawling though - he can pivot and kind of scooch a bit on his stomach, but still picks up his legs rather than using them to push off of. We need to get in gear with our babyproofing though!
All bundled up to go out for his Synegis shots today - it's been in the negative degrees since Monday evening. We used his new Bundle Me fleece thing for the first time today - and I managed to mangle the zipper somehow. Grr... But it seemed to keep him warm anyways. He weighed in at 21lbs, 15.8 oz. We're 3 weeks late with the shots due to insurance issues. But luckily he didn't get sick while we were waiting.
In other news, he has tried chicken (likes it if jarred and mixed with other stuff), baby yogurt (likes it), and those cheerio-like puffs (iffy - started out having to have them forced on him, now will open his mouth for them but acts like he wants to spit them out - I think the texture is so different that he's still getting used to it).
In other news, he has tried chicken (likes it if jarred and mixed with other stuff), baby yogurt (likes it), and those cheerio-like puffs (iffy - started out having to have them forced on him, now will open his mouth for them but acts like he wants to spit them out - I think the texture is so different that he's still getting used to it).
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